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Found 46609 results for any of the keywords the apache http server. Time 0.012 seconds.
Welcome! - The Apache HTTP Server ProjectThe Apache HTTP Server Project is an effort to develop and maintain an open-source HTTP server for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and exten
Apache HTTP Server Mailing Lists - The Apache HTTP Server ProjectThe following mailing lists relate to the Apache HTTP Server project. Users should consider subscribing to the Announcements or User Support mailing lists. Other lists are for people interested in helping with the develo
Bug #1832182 “systemd unable to detect running apache if invoked...” :[Impact] Unattended upgrade will attempt to gracefully reload the Apache2 httpd service, but it reloads apache directly, not via systemd, so systemctl will mis-report the true status. This can cause unexpected and unne
Home - HTTPD - Apache Software FoundationThis is a wiki containing user-contributed recipes, tips, and tricks for the Apache HTTP Server (aka Apache Web Server or httpd).
FAQ - HTTPD - Apache Software FoundationThese are questions that have been asked over the years, on IRC, mailing lists, and various other less official channels.
Documentation: Apache HTTP Server - The Apache HTTP Server ProjectThe documentation is available is several formats. Downloadable formats including Windows Help format and offline-browsable html are available from our distribution mirrors. Online browsable documentation is also availab
apache2 package : UbuntuThis package has 20 new bugs and 0 open questions.
mod_rewrite - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.2Modules | Directives | FAQ | Glossary | Sitemap
Bug #568468 “lucid server: mod_mem_cache with mod_dav_svn crashe...” :Binary package hint: apache2 On a lucid server we see apache segmentation faulting at a high rate. This causes svn checkouts to fail depending on the client (e.g. on Ubunut 9.10 subversion with neon as dav lib is okay,
mod_userdir - Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4Modules | Directives | FAQ | Glossary | Sitemap
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